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How much does Willmar Minnesota tree services cost?

Usually, trees that are no more than 30 feet in height, for example Russian Olive trees, will cost anywhere from $75 to $450. However trees that exceed this 30 foot height, can also reach up to 60 feet may cost anywhere from $150 on the low end and $875 on the high end. In extreme scenarios depending on the difficulty of the tree for access and cutting, trees may cost upwards of $1500 just for a trim.


How much can topping a tree in Willmar Minnesota cost?

The practice of topping a tree can cost upwards of $1450. The price depends on the overall size of the tree with the goal to reduce the tree size. Topping a tree is no longer an approved maintenance technique as the act can cause extreme stress, poor branch unions, and large rot pockets to form on the tree. Always talk to a qualified tree care individual before proceeding with tree topping, they might have a better suggestion or solution to keep your tree healthy.


What makes an arborist and a forester different in Willmar MN?

Loosely, an arborist is more dedicated to the health and performance of individual trees, with their programs focused more on the Urban Forest setting, while a Forester is usually a consultant to large tracts of land and trees, managing them for lumber production instead of overall aesthetics and beauty.


How often do arborists utilize saws or chainsaws around Willmar MN?

Arborists are highly trained in all things tree related, which often includes the safe and responsible operation of cutting tools like chainsaws, pruning saws, and pole saws. Saws must be regularly maintained to ensure proper cuts and fast production. Saws are sharpened before each job, a dull chainsaw can be more dangerous than a razor sharp one!


What size chainsaw is needed to cut down trees around Willmar MN?

Full sized trees around Willmar MN can often reach large and intimidating sizes. You always want to use a saw larger than the tree you are cutting, allowing the bar to reach entirely across the trunk of the tree. The most utilized size of a pro saw around Willmar MN is 28 inches, with the largest saws running bars over 60 inches and 120cc motors!


Does the city of Willmar MN cut down trees?

Willmar MN does have an urban forester consultant who oversees planting, trimming, tree risk assessments, and often removal of trees along the boulevards and parks of Willmar. They will often have the City Crew trim for vehicle clearance, trees pushing up sidewalks, and removing dead or dying trees on city property.


How can I get free trees in Willmar MN?

There are a few different ways to get free trees around the area. Oftentimes the Soil and Water Conservation District for your county will provide trees either free or at low cost. They usually can also assist in planting trees, but are most often utilized for windbreaks or shelterbelts. You can also plant trees from seeds, the easiest one being the oak tree, all you need is a pot of dirt, an acorn, and some time to get your free tree!


What time of year will it be cheaper for me to remove a tree in Willmar MN?

The beginning of the year, like February and March, will normally be significantly cheaper to have a tree removed than other months. Without leaves on the trees and with solid firm ground trees are easier to clear and clean, making less work for a crew meaning less money. On the same note, you do not want to wait too long, tree service companies can get very busy during late spring, so it is important to get on their schedule as soon as possible.


Why are Trees so costly to remove around Willmar MN?

Tree work can be incredibly costly for a few reasons. Very specialized and expensive equipment is needed such as bucket trucks, large loaders, and sizable dumping trailers. This equipment is not only expensive but requires costly maintenance at regular intervals. More often than not using this machinery is done on busy streets requiring traffic control and extra safety precautions, adding to the continued high cost. Tree work is also one of the most dangerous jobs in the country, with men working around large equipment, dangerous tools, and at high elevation for hours at a time.


What are the tree removal laws around Willmar MN?

The standard rule of thumb is if someone removes, damages, cuts down or trims a tree without asking permission from the tree’s owner, the person who owns the tree will likely be able to sue for compensation for the harm done and a judge will likely enforce that right.


Who has to pay if your neighbor’s tree falls into your yard from out of their yard in Willmar MN?

If there were no obvious signs of defects the tree’s owner will likely not be held completely responsible for the fallen tree and an insurance agency will call it an “act of god”. If the tree was obviously defective or damaged and the neighbor failed to have the tree removed or corrected they can be held liable for any damages caused and cost of the removal.


Should tree branches hang over your house’s roof?

Tree branches should stay at least 6 to 10 feet away from your roof or shingles. This prevents damage to the roof if the branches rub on the roof or cause mold to grow from lack of sunlight drying up the roof structure.


How closely can you plant a tree to your property line in Willmar MN?

You can plant a tree anywhere you would like on your property, but in general any planted tree should be atleast 5 feet away from the property line. It is important to remember that any part of the tree hanging over the property line is technically your neighbors and they are allowed to trim or cut anything hanging over the property line.


Should I leave the dead branches on my trees?

Trees will often have dead branches, it is not unusual for a tree to “self prune” branches that do not provide the tree with enough energy. Dead branches do not help the tree and could prevent the tree from healing that spot in a useful manner, closing off the old wound and preventing disease and pests from invading at that spot. It is important to remember however that no one removes dead branches in the forest where trees continue to grow happily and healthy, so dead wood removal is not entirely necessary to the health and wellbeing of a tree.


How close to my neighbors property can I plant a new tree?

A good rule of thumb is 3-6 feet away from the property line. If the tree is installed on the property line it is considered common property, giving your neighbor full rights to do what they would like to the tree. 3-6 feet gives the tree plenty of space to grow before invading your neighbors property, but it is still a good idea to talk to the neighbors before installing a tree in any sort of close proximity.


Can I leave a completely dead tree standing?

Dead trees are an integral part of the natural resource ecosystem, providing habitat for birds, small mammals, and bugs. Bugs in trees provide great feeding for the birds we all like to watch, so a standing dead tree on your property can be very beneficial to your property, as long as the dead tree could potentially fall without harming any people or structures, as all dead trees will eventually fall to the ground. Another option is to drop a dead tree but leave it on the ground where it will continue to rot, giving ground dwelling creatures food and shelter without having the risk of the tree falling where it should not.


How do you know if my tree needs to be cut down?

There are a multitude of factors that come into play when deciding if a tree needs to be removed. If the tree is close to the house stressing you out every time the wind blows, you are starting to see a large amount of dead in the tree, there are woodpecker holes as they chase bugs, the large limbs are looking like they may peal off, or you are seeing hollow cavities forming on the trunk are all reasons that a tree may need to be removed.


Is there a bad time to remove trees around Willmar MN?

The biggest concern when removing trees is how removing the tree can impact wildlife. During the spring a tree removal could affect the breeding and nesting season of birds, but in the late fall/winter it could remove a vital piece of shelter for mammals. Even though it can remove shelter during the winter months it is still the best time due to the lack of leaves on the tree and firm ground conditions. Spring is the worst time to remove a tree as the ground is very soft and animals are just coming out of hibernation.


Can you save a tree that is halfway dying?

You can often save a tree that has died halfway, but it depends on how much effort and time you want to put into the tree as well as what is causing it to die. You need to prune off any diseased and dying branches to prevent disease from spreading, treat the tree to get rid of any pests that are causing its decline, and mitigate any root or ground issues that have made the root system weak leading to its death. While costly, if you can save the tree it is worth the investment as having another full mature tree in your yard will take years.


What is the easiest and cheapest way to remove my tree?

The cheapest thing to do with a tree is to feel it at the base and cut the wood up for firewood while burning the branches and debris. It is very labor intensive and time consuming, but the reward is great firewood and possibly good compost all while saving money.


How can I cut down a tree in my yard by myself?

Tree felling can be risky and should only be done by someone with skill and experience. You determining the direction that you want the tree to go, clear out around the base of the tree, prepare and plan any escape routes you may need, make your angled cut in line with where the tree needs to go, set your hinge cut, make a back cut, and possibly wedge over the tree. After it is on the ground you buck up the limbs and wood, load everything onto a trailer or feed it into a chipper, dispose of all the wood and limbs, and decide what you will do with the stump.


How can you dig up a tree to move it without harming the tree?

First you need to prepare the ground, watering the soil every day for at least 3 days prior to moving the tree. Cautiously dig the soil away from the root being careful to not damage any large and necessary roots, then wrap the root ball in burlap and water the root ball, keeping it moist at all times. Move the tree into its new location, and plant it in a new hole, opening up the roots and removing any caging around the roots to prevent girdling roots. Spread out the roots so they grow properly and plant the tree at the correct depth to ensure it grows happy and healthy. Water often for the first few days, and keep the tree watered to encourage new root growth.


Do tree roots continue to grow even after they are cut?

Tree roots can continue to grow long after the tree is removed, even if the stump is ground out. It depends on the tree species, some trees have a lot of energy accumulated in the trump/root system and will continue to sprout new growth. Keep any new growth cut so the tree does not continue to store energy and it will eventually die and rot.


What is the largest tree you can move or transplant around Willmar MN?

It depends on the species of tree and how involved you get in its transplant procedure. Trees up to 10 in in diameter can be spayed and transplanted relatively successfully, but anything larger requires a more delicate procedure where you unearth the entire root system without cutting any roots then move the tree into its new home.


How many trees survive being transplanted?

There is a high success rate for transplanting trees, with most of the success coming down to the after transplant care of the tree. Frequent and proper watering is necessary for a tree’s success, and deep root fertilization can increase the chances of survival to nearly 95 percent! The location of the transplanted tree also helps determine the survival rate, making sure the tree is in proper soil that it needs for its specific type of tree is crucial.


What is a Tree Trimmer Called?

Tree service workers and trimmers are often called arborists. They cut dead, overgrown, and dying branches from trees to make room for future development, utility and power lines, roads, walking paths, and new houses. Often times these arborists are focused on improving the health and wellbeing of trees and some even specialize in treating and diagnosing diseases while informing the customer of proper tree care.


What is the difference between an arborist and a tree trimmer?

An arborist is a specialist in diagnosing and treating not only dying trees and branches but the underlying cause of the trees’ downfall. Tree trimmers often have a conflict of interest if you want to save the tree, they may push to have you remove it, while an arborist can provide you with the proper treatment plan to save your tree.


Is trimming a tree good for it?

Trimming is a vital part in growing a safe and healthy tree that we can coexist with. Trimming the tree helps it grow in a certain configuration with proper branch structure to provide long life and safety in storms and wind. Trees are often growing too close to structures and need to be trimmed to give proper clearance to buildings roofs or siding.


Should you trim lower branches on trees?

When the low branches of a tree are riddled with pests or disease, trimming or removing them will help prevent the disease spreading to other parts of the tree, causing problems for the tree in the future. Correct pruning techniques will also help the tree grow strong branches, stable unions, and help the tree focus its nutrients and energy into growing its main limbs.


What part of a tree should not be cut?

Care must be taken to ensure proper pruning techniques are used when trimming a tree, otherwise damage and tree health issues can pop up, leaving the tree vulnerable to an early death or pest infestation. When making a pruning cut you do not want to be too close to the trunk, these oversized cuts can end up into the bark of the main limb delaying the tree’s healing over the old wound. Care must also be taken to make sure the stub is not left too long, also delaying healing as the tree tries to cover a large stub.


How do you tell if a tree needs to be trimmed?

When trees get too large for their planted space, interfering with the surrounding houses, buildings, or utility lines, then it should be trimmed. It is also important to maintain your tree for health, removing dead, dying, rubbing, or diseased limbs before they become a problem to the rest of your tree.


Do tree branches grow back after trimming?

If proper pruning techniques are used, tree branches will not grow back from the cut. Instead of regrowth the tree will grow what appears to look like a callus or scar over the pruning cut, helping the tree prevent pests and decay from entering the cut. Since the tree is sealing itself, you should not apply any sealer which can delay the healing process for the tree.


Are dead trees easier to cut down?

After a tree dies the water in the tree’s system starts to drain, after a few months to years the wood becomes very brittle, not nearly as flexible and strong as it once was. Due to this, it is more dangerous to cut down a dead tree as branches can snap unexpectedly, and when the tree falls all the branches break into many little pieces, making the cleanup much more labor intensive.


Do trees know when they are cut down?

Trees do not have a nervous system like humans or other animals, but they can still tell when something is happening to them. Tree sends electrical signals to the rest of its limbs when it is experiencing something similar to what we would call pain.


Should you seal a tree wound?

More often than not it is better for the tree to heal and seal the wound on their own. Over time trees have developed an efficient and effective system for wounds, compartmentalizing the wounds they experience with new cells and growth, preventing the damage from spreading any further.


What time of the year is it best to cut trees down?

The best time to cut trees depends largely on the species of tree, but more often than not the best time is during the winter or right away in the early spring. This lets the tree not have any leaves, gives firm frozen ground to work on, and keeps sweaty arborists cool while working. You can often get a discount on tree work in the winter because it is slower for the tree services.


What is the cheapest way to have a tree removed?

The cheapest way involves more manual labor for the homeowner. If a tree company can come and drop the tree, leaving it for the homeowner to clean up, this can make significant cost savings for the homeowner, letting the tree company spend less time on site and doing less labor.


What else can you do besides removing a tree?

There are many other options for overgrown trees besides removing them, including trimming, canopy reductions, dead wood removals, and health pruning. Many of these ways give the tree a beautiful look, open up your view, or improve the health of the tree dramatically without losing the tree for good.


What is it called when a company cuts every tree down in an area?

Land clearing or deforestation are common terms used to describe the complete removal of all the trees in a given area. Sometimes these methods are used to provide valuable forest products like lumber, or often trees are cleared to make way for new construction projects. Roadways, developments, and parks often need all the trees removed and started over to achieve the desired results.


What kind of tree has roots that are destructive?

Silver maple trees are fast growing and were planted in mass after the American Elms were killed from Dutch Elm Disease. Silver maple have very fast growing roots that grow shallow, the root on these trees can crack foundations, destroy underground pipes, and harm driveways. Because of their destructive tendencies it is important to plant silver maples in a proper spot where their root system can grow without impacting surrounding infrastructure.


What can kill tree roots fast?

Tree roots can be hard to kill even after removing the tree, allowing the stump to push new unsightly growth. You can grind out the stump and root system, but that is sometimes not possible. Specific herbicides made for killing root systems are most effective, and it is important that they be applied by a licensed applicator to ensure proper treatment of the herbicide.


What can kill a tree on accident?

One of the major things that can kill trees is root disturbance, taking away the root system of a tree affects its ability to draw nutrients and water up from the soil. Root disturbance can occur from excavation, pipe installation, or even just ground compaction of equipment driving over the trees root system.


Can a tree grow back from a stump?

It is possible for a tree to grow back from its stump after removing it. Because the root system stores energy, the tree may try to push new growth from the root system, growing back long sprouts that give the stump a bushy appearance. There are some variety of pine trees that can grow a healthy tree from stump growth, but more often than not the growth from a stump will turn into a unstable tree with poor ground connections.


What does bucking a tree mean?

Limbing and bucking occure after the tree is safely on the ground though the process of felling. Limbing is removing all the small limbs and branches from the main trunk of the tree to prepare the tree for bucking. Bucking the log is when you take the full length of the tree and cut it into manageable pieces that are properly sized for transport or the mill.


What do you do when deadwooding a tree?

Deadwooding a tree is the process of removing, trimming, and pruning the dead branches and limbs out of a tree. It is part of keeping a tree healthy as large dead limbs do not let the tree heal properly, leaving openings for rot, disease, and pests to enter the healthy parts of the tree. Deadwooding is also useful in keeping a tree safe to be around, as dead branches can unexpectedly break off and fall, injuring people and hurting property.


What is the name for a fallen tree?

There are 2 names for dead or fallen trees. If the tree is still standing while completely dead and decaying it is called a snag, but if the tree has fully reached the ground it is then called a log. Both are beneficial to forest infrastructure, snags provide homes for birds and small animals, logs rot, turning into a healthy and nutritious forest floor.


Does forestry mulching have any disadvantages?

When you forestry mulch, the machine produces a wood mulch from grinding and cutting trees and bruch, which can attract insects, bugs, and different diseases while it decays. Excessive mulch can also change the soil PH, making it difficult to grow grass or provide healthy soil


What is better, brush hogging or forestry mulching?

Both tools have their best uses and ideal places. Brush hogging acts like a mower, cutting down brush with a blade and leaving it on the ground while giving the grass a nice cut. Forestry mulching grinds and shreds the brush it cuts but is much more inefficient for cutting grass as it does not have a rotating blade and relies on mulching teeth for its cutting process.


Will grass grow through the mulch after forestry mulching?

People are often worried about growing grass after forestry mulching, but not to fear, the mulch provides nice soil protection for germinating grass seed, keeping the ground moist and cool. It may take a bit longer for the grass to push through, but the mulch will
continue to feed the new grass for years to come.


How long will the mulch last after forestry mulching?

Mulch breaks down relatively quickly, depending on the process used can decompose faster or slower. A disk mulcher leaves larger pieces that take more time to break down, while a drum mulcher can incorporate the mulch into the soil allowing it to break down faster. With a good grass cover most mulch is decomposed in 2 seasons after mulching, depending on how deep the mulch is and the majority of plants that were mulched.

What is the main difference between tree trimming and pruning in Sioux Falls SD?

Tree trimming is the process of shaping the tree to get a desired size or look, while pruning is more for improving the trees overall health by removing dead, dying, or diseased branches.


Is it possible to reduce the size of my tree?

When a tree outgrows it area or space in Sioux Falls SD an arborist or tree cutter can help decide what the best path forward is. Sometimes a tree can be pruned and trimmed to fit back into its space and keep its surroundings safe, but other times the tree may be the wrong species to fit and should be removed to prevent damage and replaced with a more suitable species.


What is the best time to prune and trim trees?

The best time for trimming and pruning trees around Sioux Falls SD is during the early spring right before the sap starts to flow. This allows the tree to callous and heal around the cut much quicker and the tree will not put any energy into growing leaves on the branch that you are just going to remove anyways.


What happens if you try to trim a tree at the wrong time?

Depending on the tree species in Sioux Falls SD, pruning a tree can be catastrophic for its overall health. When you cut a tree at the wrong time it allows pests that are flying to find the fresh sap and hurt the tree, or airborn diseases may be moving and the open wound is an invite to start growing on.


What parts of a tree should you not cut?

In Sioux Falls SD topping a tree is now considered unacceptable. While often practiced in the past, further scientific studies have found that topping trees causes a ton of unneeded stress while also growing and unbalancing the tree, potentially causing damage to property in the future.


What is the most difficult tree to remove in Sioux Fall SD?

The trickiest and most difficult trees to remove are large and sprawled out trees overhanging structures. Often times these trees are found in back yards that are inaccessible with equipment, making the job even more difficult. The closer to the house the more risky the tree is to remove, requiring precise cutting and rope work to ensure a safe and efficient drop.


Do we plant more trees in Sioux Falls than are cut down each year?

Worldwide tree harvest is estimated at 15 billion cut per year with an average replant of 5 billion. This discrepancy could be due to the timing of the replant, allowing foresters to schedule out their harvest cycles better creating healthy trees and faster growing forests. In Sioux Falls SD many ash trees are being cut down but not replaced at the same rate due to the current tree stock already foresting the city. Many of these trees were overcrowded and removing without replanting creates a better environment for new trees to thrive.


What happens to a tree if you cut too many branches off?

Trees in Sioux Falls are very hardy, but if you remove too many branches that could cause the tree to enter a state of severe decline, potentially killing the tree or making it grow weak branch unions in an attempt to grow enough leaves to produce the nutrients needed to survive. A general rule of thumb is to never cut more than 30 percent of the tree’s overall canopy in one year, but you cannot come back and cut another 30 percent the next year. Proper pruning techniques must be followed to ensure tree health and longevity.


When should you not prune trees?

Trees should avoid pruning in the early spring when they are flowering, waiting until the flowers have dropped gives the tree time to replenish its energy supply and absorb the energy hit that pruning can make on a tree. In Sioux Falls SD we should also avoid pruning oaks and elms during the active months for the pathogens that can kill the tree, waiting until all the leaves have fallen off, usually around the middle of October.


What kind of trees should not be planted near my house?

Trees that grow large and unruly should not be planted near your home in Sioux Falls SD. These trees can grow quickly, rubbing on your house, losing limbs, or even threatening your plumbing system and foundation with their rapid root growth. Trees like Silver Maples used to be popular yard trees due to their quick growth and lovely shade canopy, but these trees quickly suck up water, their roots push deep into the foundation, and they grow large, suddenly having limbs that weigh as much as a car hanging over your house!


Can I get sap from the maple trees in my yard?

The general rule for tapping a tree for sap is 1 tap per 10 inches of trunk diameter, so you can tap even young trees in your yard as long as they meet this recommendation. Sugar Maple produces the highest sugar concentration for their sap, sometimes up to 10 percent, but other trees like the silver maple, boxelder, and even black walnut can be tapped, they just have less sugar content and require much more sap to end up with the same amount of syrup. Boxelder Syrup might also not sell the best if you intend to resale, not because there is anything wrong with the sap, but the name may turn off potential customers to your unique syrup!


Why should you keep trees trimmed away from your house?

Trees touching your house in Sioux Falls SD can cause a variety of problems and damages. The obvious problem would be the rubbing action of the branches wearing down on your shingles or siding, but there are many other issues that are not often thought of. One of the other issues is the lack of sunlight on your structure to dry out water from rain, causing mold, mildew, and rot on your house. Another issue is the access of critters to gain entry to your home. Tree branches can be highways for squirrels, mice, and all sort of other little pests that want to make nests and store food for the winter inside your house.


Why do I feel so good when I spend time around trees either outdoors or in my yard?

When you spend time around trees in Sioux Falls SD you breathe in the oxygen and other chemicals that trees release during their natural process of photosynthesis. These chemicals are scientifically proven to reduce anxiety, lower your blood pressure, drop stress, and even improve your mood. There are fascinating studies that also show that just by being able to see trees from your hospital bed can drastically increase your survival and recovery time.


Which trees in my yard can cause the most damage to my foundation and pipes?

There are a few varieties of trees in Sioux Falls SD that can cause foundation and pipe damage, but the most common are any variety of willow and the large silver maple. These trees grow fast and very large and require a large amount of water to sustain this growth. The quest for water pushes the tree’s roots deeper and deeper into the soil, butting into your foundation and against the pipes. These trees can also invade your septic system, causing thousands of dollars in damage and potentially backing up sewage into your home


How much do tree services charge per hour?

Around Sioux Falls SD most tree services do not charge by the hour. The best way for both the tree service companies and the customer is for the tree service to charge by the job. This allows the tree service to be awarded for having nice equipment and working hard, they make the same money if they take 2 hours or 2 days. This also protects the customer from slow working tree services, who may drag the job out longer to collect more hours of work. 


How are tree companies able to calculate the cost of cutting my tree down?

Tree Service Sioux Falls SD companies use a few different metrics when estimating and calculating how much a tree will cost to remove. Of course the size of the tree is the main contributing factor, but there are many other items to consider. The tree may be close to potential targets, close to power lines, or require rigging which will increase the price, but if a tree service is able to fell the tree that may lower the overall cost. Tree health is also considered when pricing a tree, trees that have died and are rotten may have branches hanging in the canopy or other falling hazards. Dead trees create more small sticks to pick up after they hit the ground as well, leading to more time spent on the final cleanup increasing the bill. 


Will my homeowners insurance cover the cost to have a tree removed?

Homeowners insurance in Sioux Falls SD will cover the cost to have a tree removed if the tree has fallen onto an insured structure in a storm or natural event. Most insurance companies will not cover the cost to preventitively remove a tree, but there have been cases when an insurance company might incentivise you to remove a tree to prevent future loss to the structure.


Can I negotiate the estimate for removing my tree?

There are a few different tactics you can use to potentially lower your bill for a tree removal. Getting different quotes can help you understand the cost and give you levers to pull in negotiating, but often companies will come in cheaper because of the lesser quality of work they do or their lack of insurance. Another way to lower your estimate is by taking off items from the work order, such as cleaning up the tree yourself, raking the yard, or not having the stump ground. 


How do I know if my tree needs to be removed?

Determining if your tree needs to be removed in Sioux Falls SD can be a daunting task. Oftentimes it is very clear that a tree needs to be removed, when they have large cracks, missing limbs, no leaves, or fungus/rot in the trunk. Other times it may be more difficult to tell, and that is where consulting a qualified tree worked can be a great benefit. Tree estimator will be able to look at the structure of the tree and take note of any defects, they can also spot hard to find disease or insect infestation. Sometimes these trees could still stand for years, but if they are in close proximity to your house the arborist may recommend removal anyways. 


How long will it take a tree removal company to remove my tree in Sioux Falls SD?

The length of time it takes to remove a tree will be a direct representation of the price of the estimate you received. Usually the higher the estimate the longer the tree company will be on your property. On average most large trees take around a day to remove, small trees can be down to a few hours, or hazardous and dangerous trees may take several days.


Will my trees roots continue to grow after the tree is removed?

Depending on the species of tree the root system may be completely alive and well, continuing to push new growth and turning into a funny looking bush in no time. Some species of tree will push a new sprout out of the ground in an entirely different location. The Quaking Aspen tree named Pando is the largest living organism on the planet comprising of acres of identical trees all pushed from the same root system. You can prevent your yard from looking like a brushy disaster by either chemically treating the stump or having the stump ground out.

How much will a tree removal cost in my area?

Tree removals in Sioux Falls SD can vary drastically depending on the size of the tree, proximity to targets, or even the time of year. The largest item to consider for tree cost is how much time will the tree crew spend on your project. In most cases, the longer the crew spends on your property the more expensive the tree removal will be. This can also vary, 2 companies might come in with very similar bids, but one crew will be on the site twice as long. Different crews have vastly different equipment, the crew that takes twice as long may only be using man power, cutting, stacking, and removing everything by hand, while the faster crew may utilize high end equipment to aid in removal of the debris and even perform the cutting and removal of the tree itself!


Do I need a permit to remove a tree in Sioux Falls SD?

You do not need a permit to remove a private and personal tree on your property in Sioux Falls SD, but if the tree is a designated street tree or boulevard tree, the city does require a permit to remove that one. The permit fee is very minimal and the crew you have chosen to do the work will acquire the permit themselves, putting their own arborist license on the paperwork for the city. 


What time of the year is it best to remove a tree around this area?

In and around Sioux Falls SD there are no real bad times to remove a tree. Unlike pruning, there are no disease worries when completely removing the tree, because it will be hard for a tree that is gone to catch any disease! Sometimes in the spring it would be best to wait when the ground is soft, giving the tree crew more of a chance to make sure your yard looks as best as possible when the job is complete. There is also at times consideration for the EAB flight in the spring, but this is not a big worry in Sioux Falls SD because of the city’s high infestation rate already. Moving EAB infected wood to a different location will not introduce EAB, because the entire city already has a hard EAB infestation.


What are a few of the things to look for when deciding to remove a tree?

Sometimes a tree can easily be identified as needing removal. Complete loss of leaves in the summer, large amounts of rot in the trunk, breaking and falling limbs, or fungal infestation are easy to spot. Some of the harder issues to spot that may require removal are things like structural damage, poor branch unions, weak roots, underground root issues, or insect infestation. It is always best to remove a tree well before it is completely dead, allowing the most safety for the tree crews, and saving you money in the process. A totally rotten tree is a hazard for crews to work around, so if you remove the tree closely after noticing a small amount of rot it can be safer and cheaper to remove. 


Can I remove a tree myself in Sioux Falls SD?

There are no laws preventing a homeowner from removing a tree themselves. A lot of homeowners are very capable, especially if they come from a trade background. Occupations like carpenter, iron worker, or electrician are used to working at height, so renting a lift and operating it safely is no concern for them. There is a big difference between operating a lift for carpentry or tree removal though, so extreme care must be taken when removing trees. If a branch falls on the boom or strikes an outrigger this may throw the machine off balance, tossing the operator out of the bucket. There is also extreme danger in operating a chainsaw when 50 ft off the ground. Always carry a tourniquet, a severe laceration might have you bleed out before you can get the lift down to get help. 


How do I find the best tree company around me?

In Sioux Falls SD it is easy to rate and compare different tree companies. Google is the best place to start, by searching for the different companies you can easily find their website, facebook page, and best of all find their Google Reviews. Google Reviews are one of the best things to look at when comparing tree companies. They give you honest results from other customers and the more reviews a company has usually the better reputation from their customers. A company with few google reviews but rated a 5 star may still be a worse company than someone with 100s or reviews but a 4.7.


Can removing a tree damage my property?

There is always risk involved in removing a tree in Sioux Falls SD, but a reputable company will do their best to minimize any damage. While that is the case, accidents still happen, but reputable companies will do everything in their power to correct and make right the situation, replacing fences, repairing driveways, or anything else that may have occurred. It is also important to make sure the company has insurance, as well as having a high amount of insurance, just to cover any high expense items that may have been damaged. 
There can also be small damages that do not require fixing, depending on how you set up your tree service. Removing a tree usually involves heavy equipment, so lawn and turf damage is fairly common. To save money some customers may opt to not use lawn protection, and it will be up to the customer to repair any grass damage that may have occurred.