Tree Removal
Removing a tree in Willmar can be a large and impactful decision, changing the way your property looks, and also potentially changing your properties value. Sometimes removing a tree can make your property look much better than before, especially if the tree is a problem or in a bad location. Making your property look nicer will of course increase its property value. On the other hand, removing a landmark tree or a tree that provides a distinct amount of shade or landscape design may decrease the property’s value. Removing a tree in Willmar MN should always be taken with large amounts of consideration and for thought. Being one of the larger decisions that you make for your property it is also important to choose the right tree company to do the work for you! Here we will go through a few of the things that we take into consideration before removing a tree and a few of the things that set us apart from other services!
The easiest decision is to remove all the ones that are dead, diseased, or dying. There is a large variety of different diseases and pests that affect our trees in this area things like Dutch Elm disease, Emerald Ash Borer, root problems, and other various ailments all served as death sentences for trees. Dying trees are not only unsightly, but also potentially dangerous to you and your structures on your property. Any trees suffering from these issues are easy to remove without feeling bad or without decreasing property value. It is also important to remove dead, diseased, or dying trees to prevent the spread of whatever their problem may be. If you have a tree with Dutch Elm disease, it can pass the same disease through its root system to other trees, wiping out all the trees on your property or extending into the neighbors property!
Another reason to remove a tree Willmar MN, while, not as black and white or easy as dead, diseased, or dying trees, is a tree’s close proximity to a house or structure. Sometimes builders do not remove all the trees on a property before building, people plant trees too close while they are small, forgetting that the tree will one day grow incredibly large, or a tree grows and is not cut or removed when it is little. Trees proximity to a house is also very dependent on individual homeowners. Some people love the overhang trees creating a beautiful canopy over top of their roofs, while other homeowners prefer all trees to be far enough away that in a storm trees cannot potentially harm their building. That discussion is all dependent on your individual risk tolerance. There are things that can be done to mitigate risk of your trees if they are close to the structure, including frequent pruning and tree risk assessments.
Tree removal in Sioux Falls and Willmar reason number three can be much more picky and hard to discern. High risk trees should be removed for people in property safety, but it can be hard to tell which trees may or may not be high risk. High risk trees could involve things such as large co-dominant stems, rot in the trunk, fungal rot issues, or bark inclusion. Most of these issues will go unnoticed by a normal homeowner until the tree fails or starts having an issue. Codominant stems can be one of the hardest spot without knowing exactly what you were looking for. Codominant stems happen when a tree originally grows two trunks out of one seed, all the way down at the ground. As these trunks grow, they touch and grow looking like one truck, but in reality are two individual trunks all the way to the ground. As the tree grows weight up top and wind storms come through this can cause the tree to split and peel in half much like a banana! This is also very similar with the bark inclusion problem, but bark inclusion is normally left to branches higher up in the canopy and not the original trunk of the tree. Rot in trees trunk is often signs of a different problem, but is usually the nail in a coffin for a large tree. Rot often starts from tree wounds, or pruning cuts that the tree was not able to heal properly, allowing the intrusion of water and animals into the trunk of the tree. Not all trees with rot in their trunk are a danger, but it is back to the individual risk tolerance of the homeowners again. Think of a can of pop how strong they are if you were to stand on one. As long as the tree remains with its outside sapwood it can grow strong and healthy for years to come, but there is still always the risk of a failure with that heartwood holding the tree upright. Root issues can also play a large role in a trees risk assessment. If the trees roots have been dug to put in a building or septic system, compacted during construction, or are suffering from underground pests, they can make the tree much more likely to tip over an uproot in a windstorm without its large route structure, holding it in place in the ground. Route issues are very hard to spot but can be found by looking for soft spots in the Earth, fungal growth up top, or dead grasses in the yard.
Finally, for reason number four to remove a tree in Sioux Falls or Willmar. Construction and development often are stopped by trees that are in the way of future growth. Whether it is a new build, addition to your house, different driveways, or any other various construction projects, sometimes trees need to be removed in Sioux Falls or Willmar MN. It is always easier to remove the tree prior to construction instead of building around the tree then having to remove it in the future for one of the other reasons. Construction equipment can damage the system of trees killing the tree, even if it is not in the direct construction zone. depending on the amount of trees for the construction process, it can sometimes get to the land clearing stage, which is normally a bit different than the standard tree removal for normal construction. With a standard tree removal instead of land clearing, we are still using tree service equipment instead of large heavy construction equipment to remove the trees, and it is usually on a smaller scale. Removal for construction and development usually ends up being a few trees at one time that can be removed easily before there are any other structures in place. Trees do add value to a property, so oftentimes you can work with a builder to plan around it and save as many trees as possible, but that is often practical and can lead to farther in the future with these trees.
Whatever the reason may be for you wanting to remove your tree we are confident that we are your best pic for your project! We can help you determine if it needs to be removed with an on-site assessment or tree risk evaluation. We love talking about trees and look forward to hearing and working with you on your next tree removal in Sioux Falls or Willmar project!